End of Year Offer: FREE Visitor Book with all Roll Book orders!

Be prepared for 2022 with our great Children's Roll Books with Sign-In and Sign-Out. We are excited to let you know we have a special offer of a FREE Visitor Book with every Roll Book order! Act now, this offer is only available for the rest of December!

Make your Roll Book order Now! 

The Children’s Roll Book was designed by Childcare experts Canavan Byrne and is one of our best selling products on the Early Years Shop. The roll book is fully compliant with the requirements of The Childcare Act 1991 (Early Years Services) and fulfills the three functions required: roll call, Child Sign-In and Sign out by an adult and Staff Sign-In and Sign-Out.

The regulatory framework (Regulation 24) states that ‘Each Child attending the service must be signed in and signed out by a relevant staff member (employee or unpaid worker)’ and that ‘A record of each child’s attendance is kept on a daily basis’ and must be available and easily accessible to relevant staff members.

The record of attendance kept must include:

  • The full name of each child attending the service
  • The date and time each child arrives and leaves
  • A record of the name of one of the following people at the time the child arrives and leaves: The person who delivers the child to the service and collects the child from the service or the employee or unpaid worker responsible for checking the children in and out
  • The record of attendance for each room accurately reflects the children in the room, and is updated when a child leaves or enters

The Canavan Byrne Children’s Roll Book meets all of the above requirements and for ease of use the roll book features spiral binding, meaning the roll book can open all the way out and lie flat on a desk or table. If you wish to have a closer look at the Children’s Roll Book take a look at the video below, created by Canavan Byrne to show all the features of the Children’s Roll Book to ensure compliance and good record-keeping.

Checking In and Checking Out Visitors to Your Service

Under Regulation 24 Tusla also states that a daily check-in check-out register must be in place for people who enter the premises other than a child attending the service, a person dropping off or collecting a child, an employee or an unpaid worker. The register must include the following information:

  • The date
  • The person's name
  • The person’s contact number
  • The reason for entry to the premises
  • The name of the person who approved access (employee or unpaid work details)
  • The check-in and check-out time

Access to the premises must be restricted until the check-in register or Visitor Book is completed by the person seeking access and their details authenticated by an employee or unpaid worker. Visitors to the service who have signed into the Visitors Book do not have unsupervised access to children in the service. The Canavan Byrne Visitor Book is new to The Early Years Shop, giving you a necessary log for all visitors to your service to sign in when they arrive and sign out when they leave. The book contains 100 pages and holds 20 visitors per page. The book allows for all of the above Tusla-required information to be recorded in each entry so that you are compliant. Tusla outlines that the Visitor Log must be retained for one year from the date on which it was created. You can now get a Visitor Book for FREE when you order a Roll Book - for a savings of €15.00! Hurry while stock lasts!

Copyright: Important Notice

Permission is only given to the purchaser to copy the policy. The policies must not be shared with any third party.


The guidelines and forms may need adaptation to suit the circumstances of individual organisations.

Canavan & Byrne do not have control or responsibility for the implementation of these documents in the service and therefore will not be liable in respect of the implementation of the documents.

Customers are invited to consult Canavan & Byrne in this regard.

For further support

Contact us on 01 623 5908 or eys@canavanbyrne.ie

Additional forms packs, toolkits, resources, curriculum, plans and signs are available at www.earlyyearsshop.ie.

Please note all downloadable links will expire 15 days from purchase.

With best regards, Early Years Shop