Purchase 22 My Learning Journey and Get FREE Set of Group Journals!

Purchase 22 My Learning Journey Books and receive one set of Group Learning Journals for FREE! It is that time of year when services begin to plan for September. Our Learning Journey Books are one of our best selling products and customers come back every year to purchase these gorgeous journey books again.

The idea of the Learning Journey Book is to document each child's own individual learning journey they go on from September through to the following June. It can be filled with the child's own art work, observations, photographs or mark making. Additionally, anything that practitioners feel adds to the child's own individual learning journey can also be included.

This book becomes a beautiful end of year or graduation gift and wonderful keepsake that families can treasure for many years to come! Each A3 sized book includes the full list of the Aistear Framework's Themes and Learning Goals. This helps parents and guardians to easily understand the many Aistear references that may be throughout the book. There is also a clear pocket on the front of the journal to include the child's photograph.

Purchase 22 My Learning Journey and Get FREE Set of Group Journals!

For a limited time only and while stock lasts we have a super offer available where you will receive one set of Group Learning Journals for FREE with every 22 My Learning Journals purchased. The Group Learning Journal Books are an excellent way to document group learning within a classroom.

There are 5 journals in the bundle; Where I Live, Friends Together, Starting Big School, Birthdays and Christmas. All of our journals link back to the Aistear Framework themes of Identity & Belonging, Exploring & Thinking, Communication and Well-Being. These make for great shared learning within a classroom and a lovely way to document that learning! Order your Learning Journals now to receive your set for FREE!