Graphic Design Services


Do You Stand Out? Graphic Design Services is our latest product offering on the Early Years Shop. The Complete Branding Package for Your Early Years Business. Enhance your image and strengthen your brand with a professional identity.

Package can be customised to suit your unique needs and can include a logo, business card, letterhead, Facebook cover and profile pictures which are memorable and professional!

  • How you present your early years service will say a lot to new families. At the Early Years Shop we have specialist designers who can ensure that your first impression is exactly as you would want it to be. Your branding is key to this!
  • What are the important points you want to say about your service?
    • Friendly?
    • Fun?
    • Professional?
    • Many years of experience?
    • All of the above - and more?

Take all of the things that are important to you and your service and put them into the design that will represent your business. Communicating your brand will allow potential and existing families to recognise your business. The graphics designed can be used for all of your communications from policies, welcome packs, staff handbooks, social media posts and any other ways that you communicate out to the community.

We have available to you the professional services of our in-house graphic designer, available to vamp up your business branding, marketing and social media.

The services available include:

  • Logo Creation
  • Social Media Graphics for Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter posts, stories, profile and cover photos.
  • Letter Heads Design
  • Email Signatures Design
  • Zoom Background Design

Graphic Design Services - How it works

  1. Purchase your prefered Graphic Design Pack option
  2. Place your order
  3. Email with your order number and a member of our team will contact you to book a consultation call.

We consult with you to arrive at the best way to present your service and include you in each step of the process. 

Copyright: Important Notice

Permission is only given to the purchaser to copy the policy. The policies must not be shared with any third party.


The guidelines and forms may need adaptation to suit the circumstances of individual organisations.

Canavan & Byrne do not have control or responsibility for the implementation of these documents in the service and therefore will not be liable in respect of the implementation of the documents.

Customers are invited to consult Canavan & Byrne in this regard.

For further support

Contact us on 01 623 5908 or

Additional forms packs, toolkits, resources, curriculum, plans and signs are available at

Please note all downloadable links will expire 15 days from purchase.

With best regards, Early Years Shop