New! Parent Guardian Support Pack for Babies and Toddlers

New! Parent Guardian Support Pack for Babies and Toddlers now available! This pack has been designed by Early Years experts Canavan Byrne. The idea of the pack is to support families with the transition of their young baby or toddler from the home environment into an early years setting. 

It is important as an early years service to engage with families from the very beginning. This helps to open up the communication between both parent/guardian and the practitioners who will be looking after their child. Transition is a big deal for young babies and children and it is important to support this. 

New! Parent Guardian Pack - Supporting and Communicating with Families

This new pack will allow services to reach out to new families and support them and their child with the this new transition. The pack is bright and colourful and includes great tools, tips and advice on how best they can prepare their young baby or toddler for the first and early days in their new environment.

The pack includes items such as a Welcome Letter, an All About Me Form and colourful A4 Visual Aid posters such as What to Pack for the First Day, Reasons I May Need More Sleep and Reasons I May Sleep Less or Not Settle. Furthermore, the pack includes a parent/guardian guide on how to prepare your child, what to expect in the early stages and a guide to dropping off/collection. 

As this is a downloadable pack you can simply save it to your PC and use as required. It can emailed or printed out to give to each new parent/guardian to the service. This is a great tool to have on hand for new families who are signed up to your service as part of their welcome pack. Remember all members of the EYRF get 15% OFF this pack! 

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