Group Learning Journal Bundle – NOW 50% OFF!

Group Learning Journal Bundle - now 50% off for a limited time only! This Journal Bundle is made up of 5 individual group learning journals with corresponding curriculum activity packs. Furthermore, the offer includes FREE access to the very popular training video from Canavan Byrne: Child-led Curriculum Planning and Effective Documentation (normally €20!). Total saving of €50.

Each of the journals is a large-size (A3) scrapbook for you to add the children’s group artwork, observations, or any other relevant materials on each theme. The corresponding curriculum activity packs will help give services some ideas to start the children’s exploration of these areas. Remember educators always need to be responsive to the children’s emerging interests in your ongoing curriculum planning process.

Educators can use the Aistear themes included on the inside cover to link each child’s learning. Each journal is strong and durable and will allow children to review both their own and their class work helping to build a community of learners whilst promoting relationships with both children and their families. The 5 group Learning Journals include:

Friends Together Journal - to document group learning on Diversity, Multi-Culturalism, Inclusion
Where I Live Journal - to document group learning on Identity, Belonging, Community
Starting Big School Journal - to document group learning on transitions to Primary School
Birthday Album = to document group learning on celebrating milestones and the uniqueness of individual children
Christmas Album - to document group learning on the theme of Christmas

Documenting Group Learning

Documentation in the early years aims to tell the story of a child’s journey as they grow and develop within the early years setting. As with every good story it is important to have a strong beginning, an engaging middle and a conclusion which will satisfy all stakeholders involved in the care and education of each child. As educators, many unexpected challenges and highlights are met along the way. It is important that this journey reflects each child from a strengths-based perspective.

This can then be used to inform new learning experiences for the child as they move on to primary school. Meeting the children where they are now is the starting point of any learning journey. Through careful collaboration with parents and caregivers, we form an impression of the child, their likes, dislikes, attachments, and skillsets. This will inform the beginning of the child’s story with us.

The environment can then be prepared accordingly to reflect each child. This strategy enables children to feel secure, and they are more likely to begin to explore and develop in their new environment. The teacher becomes a “researcher”, collaborating with each child to involve them in their own learning. This phase requires careful observation, whilst being mindful of what exactly we are looking for.

A simple example of this might be an observation to determine where children are spending their time, what interests are they displaying? What do we notice, what skills might they need to build on? A simple adjustment to the environment or addition to the curriculum may contribute positively to a child’s learning and development.

There are many ways of documenting evidence of children’s learning and a combination of photographs, art-work, pre-writing activities, observations and both teachers and parent’s notes can be used. All of the activities should then be linked to the Aistear themes and learning goals.

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The guidelines and forms may need adaptation to suit the circumstances of individual organisations.

Canavan & Byrne do not have control or responsibility for the implementation of these documents in the service and therefore will not be liable in respect of the implementation of the documents.

Customers are invited to consult Canavan & Byrne in this regard.

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Please note all downloadable links will expire 15 days from purchase.

With best regards, Early Years Shop