Aistear Stickers 6-pack Bundle – Great Value – Copy


Our great value Aistear stickers 6-pack will give you a good supply of Aistear stickers used to label your Aistear observations, assessments, learning journeys, scrapbooks, stories, photos and artwork - and probably even more things we haven't thought of yet.

Our customers who buy Aistear stickers find them so useful they keep coming back for more, so we thought we'd offer some bigger bundle packs to give you the opportunity to stock up your supply of Aistear stickers and get better value on our flat rate shipping. Remember that if you buy a few more things and top your order up to €100 or more we give next-day delivery for free.

Remember, if you aren't yet sure you're ready for a 6-pack of Aistear stickers, you can also buy an individual pack to try them out or a 2-pack bundle.

Would you like some Aistear Stickers as Gaeilge? We offer Aistear stickers in English and Irish - Just specify how many packs you need in English and how many in Irish in the Order Notes section at checkout time. If no notes, we will send English only.

Quantity: 120 Sheets - 2880 stickers – 720 for each Aistear theme

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