Internet Photo & Recording Policy Pack


Internet Photo & Recording Policy Pack. Keeping paperwork in order is essential to the smooth running of any business. Ensuring that you have permission for taking photos and ensuring that employees are aware of your rules for using mobile phones is important and ensures that children are protected.The Mobile Phone & Camera toolkit will aim to provide guidance on best practice for managing the risks associated with mobile phones and cameras.This toolkit has been designed to support childcare providers to comply with Regulations of the Preschool (Childcare Services) Regulations (2006)

Editing the Documents

In order for the samples to be tailored to your childcare service, site specific information may be required to ensure that the policy reflects the service you provide and the procedures followed. Make sure that where you refer to staff in the policy you use their correct title for example do you call staff Early Years Practitioners, Childcare Workers, Montessori Assistants, Stiúrtheoir or Teachers etc? And that you refer to your ‘service’ correctly for example do you prefer to be referred to as a school, preschool, playgroup, creche, childcare service, Montessori, Naíonra?

Finalising the Document

  • Check the spacing between paragraphs and bullet points.
  • Check to make sure you are happy with the content, layout etc.
  • Save the word document and name it including the date.
  • Save the document in PDF format so it cannot be changed or amended by any one that does not have permission to do so.
  • Staff should have access to all your policies and should sign off to say that they have read them.
  • It is recommended that you have at least one printed copy in your service for staff, Tusla Early Years Inspectors and for parents to read (if requested).


  • Mobile Phone Policy
  • Camera and Photo Use Policy
  • Parents Photo Consent
  • Social Media Photo Consent
  • Children’s Records and Learning Journals Photo Consent
  • Social Media and Mobile Phone Agreement
  • No Mobile Phones Sign
  • No Photography Sign
  • Agreements re: photographs and video

Please Note: This is a downloadable product. Upon placing your order, you will immediately receive an email containing a link to download your product. Please be aware that this link has an expiration period of 180 days. Ensure that you download the product before the link expires!

Copyright: Important Notice

Permission is only given to the purchaser to copy the policy. The policies must not be shared with any third party.


The guidelines and forms may need adaptation to suit the circumstances of individual organisations.

Canavan & Byrne do not have control or responsibility for the implementation of these documents in the service and therefore will not be liable in respect of the implementation of the documents.

Customers are invited to consult Canavan & Byrne in this regard.

For further support

Contact us on 01 623 5908 or

Additional forms packs, toolkits, resources, curriculum, plans and signs are available at

Please note all downloadable links will expire 15 days from purchase.

With best regards, Early Years Shop