Maintaining Quality Nappy Changing Practice at Your Service!

Maintaining quality nappy changing practices in your Early Years Service is an important aspect of first-class child care. Hygienic procedures support children's health and safety. It also reduces the risk of infection to both children and staff members. Due to an immature immune system young children under the age of three are particularly susceptible to infection.

It is important to have a nappy changing and toileting policy in place. All relevant staff should know the requirements and have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities in relation to this policy. Relevant staff should receive full training on this policy and in addition, it should be communicated to parents/guardians. Furthermore, the policy should be reviewed on a regular basis and kept in line with current government standards and requirements.

New Nappy Changing Area (and Beyond) Bundle discount offer!

Great new bundle offers on everything you need for your nappy changing area including masks, aprons, skin-safe disinfecting spray, and more...
SAVE up to €25.70!

  • A3 Wipe Clean Nappy Changing Poster - great reminder to staff for correct procedure
  • Omnitex Disposable Masks
  • Disposable Aprons
  • Dew Disinfect Spray
  • Dew Foam Hand Wash
  • Eco-Friendly/Budget-Friendly Refills

See details of the Nappy Changing Area bundles available    

The Nappy Changing and Toileting Policy should provide for all children who use nappies and/or not yet able to use toilet facilities independently. Handwashing and nappy hygiene posters should be displayed around the nappy changing and toileting areas. This will act as a reminder to staff as to how they should proceed with these daily tasks. The Nappy Changing Procedure Wipe Clean Poster is a good example of the type of poster that should be hung in the nappy changing area.

Maintaining Quality Nappy Changing Practice - What Do We Need?

The nappy changing area should have all required items available to staff members to ensure a high quality can be maintained. This includes items such as aprons, gloves, sanitiser spray, hand wash/soap and paper towels. All supplies should be topped up regularly and be easily accessible to staff members but out of reach of children.

Changing mats should be sprayed down with a disinfect spray before and after each nappy change. Staff members should protect clothing by using disposable aprons and disposable gloves should be used for each nappy change.

At the Early Years Shop we have come up with some great nappy changing bundles that will include the essentials for your nappy changing area. There are three different options and all 3 options include the basic items of an A3 Nappy Changing Poster, Masks, Gloves and Dew Disinfect. With foam soap and refills added to the bigger bundles for those who are looking to stock up. These bundles can save you up to €25.70! For more information on these newly added bundles click here!

Nappy Changing may be one of those tasks that carers just want to get done so that they can move onto something more enjoyable! However, focusing on small improvements in this routine can really enhance a child's experience in care. Improving nappy changing practices at your service to make it the best it can be will ensure that it is a positive experience for children. Furthermore, it will make it a more bearable task for practitioners too!


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Permission is only given to the purchaser to copy the policy. The policies must not be shared with any third party.


The guidelines and forms may need adaptation to suit the circumstances of individual organisations.

Canavan & Byrne do not have control or responsibility for the implementation of these documents in the service and therefore will not be liable in respect of the implementation of the documents.

Customers are invited to consult Canavan & Byrne in this regard.

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Please note all downloadable links will expire 15 days from purchase.

With best regards, Early Years Shop