Have you seen our Funky Feet Music Manuals and CD’s?

Funky Feet Music is perfect for the classroom, P.E. lessons and outdoor fun, our Early Years music programme aims to build on both the physical development and cognitive skills of children.  This interactive music experience will develop skills that can help a child fulfill their individual potential.Four award winning CD's and Manuals to chose from.


“Funky Feet Music resources allow for cross curricular work in particular literacy & numeracy while learning through the physical and having FUN.  Manuals demonstrate clearly the links to the EYFS and curriculum and can be used to support class topics.  A must have resource that the staff and children love”…Sarah Lansdowne, Schools Sports Partnership, Leicester City

For more information and to buy your packs please visit - https://earlyyearsshop.ie/product-category/music-for-early-years-services/funky-feet-music-and-movement-programme/