Early Years Hub News

Getting Ready for Inspection Compliance Packs

Our early year’s specialists have reviewed and updated our Form Packs based on Tulsa focused inspection requirements and the Child Care Act 1991 [Early Years Services] Regulations 2016. The Compliance…

Funky Feet Music

The Early Years Shop is proud to present the launch of our award winning Funky Feet Music and Movement Programme.  The Funky Feet Programme is perfect for the classroom, P.E.…

Sanitary Area Pack

Keeping your paperwork in order is essential to the smooth running of any business. The Sanitary Area Pack is designed to ensure you have everything you need to be compliant…

Happy World Wish Day!

It was the wish of seven-year-old Leukaemia sufferer Chris Greicius to become a police officer. When police heard about this they wanted to help and granted his wish. Young Chris…

Happy Tell a Story Day!

Tell a Story Day is celebrated in the United States, Scotland and the United Kingdom. The aim of the day to get participants telling, sharing and listening to each others…