Tip of the Week- New Training Opportunities

The new term is fast approaching! With that, at Canavan Byrne, we have some new webinars available for Autumn 2024. This week’s Tip brings you details of these webinars, which will be beneficial for various Early Years Educators.

  1. Introduction to the Early Years Sector

In recent times, Early Years Educators from various countries have came to Ireland to work in the Irish Early Years System. Naturally, the Irish system will have some variations to the system of which each educator was trained. This webinar provides an Introduction to the Irish system. Attendees will receive information on Professional Development Opportunities, Support Services for Families, Inclusive Practices and more.

  1. Documenting and Recording Children’s Learning in Early Years Settings

Observation is an important task which can be daunting. There is no fixed method for observations. This webinar will guide educators through different observation techniques, help them interpret observations to understand children’s development and how to use these observations for future planning.

  1. Active Supervision of Children in Early Years and School Age Care Settings

As an Educator, one of your main responsibilities is to encourage children to explore and try new things. In doing so, you actively supervise those activities, to help prevent any serious injuries. This webinar will help participants understand the key principles of active supervision and effective supervision strategies.

  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Early Childhood Care and Education

With technology constantly developing/evolving, AI will transform the way we live and work. AI is impacting all areas of education in both positive and negative ways. However,  have you thought about AI in relation to early childhood education and your early years practice? Could AI play a role in curriculum planning, documentation or communicating with parents? The world of AI is moving fast. Therefore, don’t get left behind.

We frequently update our training offering at Canavan Byrne. Do keep an eye on our website for details of new webinars. All of the above, and more, are available here:


If you would like more information about our services
 or if we can help you with any questions or queries,
please call us at:
(+353) 1-623-5908 or email us at eys@canavanbyrne.ie.

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