Silver Membership Registration
The Early Years Shop is part of the Canavan Byrne brand. We provide high quality products and services to support Early Years Services nationwide.
Payment Options
As a sessional member you can pay yearly or per quarter. The yearly Payment will save you €15.00 per annum.
Automatic Access
Your username and password will be emailed automatically after sign up allowing you to access the site immediately.
Recurring Payment
Payments will be taken automatically every quarter/year from your card used to sign up.
Cancel Anytime
You can cancel your membership at any time. You will need to ring or email us to ensure no further payments are taken.
Silver Membership
Suitable for Sessional Services
Annual/Per Quarter
Emerging Interest Library Access
Monthly Newsletter Creator
Library of Records & Logs
Online Staff Roster
Staff Poster Creator
Online Survey Creator
Family Notices
Friday Freebies
Shop Discounts

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