TUSLA at present mainly carry out two types of inspection, the focused inspection or fit for purpose inspection (for newcomers) and both concentrate on three main themes under the Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016
- Governance which is staffing and accountability
- Safety which focuses on the safety and wellbeing of the children attending
- Premises to ensure the building is safe and fit for purpose
We are delighted to offer a bundle that has all the key records for these inspections. Putting all these in place will keep you very much on track and help you be prepared for this inspection.
Record Books
Newly added Medicine Book - Administration of Medicine Record: Some children may require medication while attending a service due to an illness, and therefore medicine administration is an important responsibility within every childcare service. Staff members must keep records each time that they administer medication using an ‘Administration of Medication Consent Form’. Each record contains three key sections: Consent, Record of Medicine Given and Outcome Record.
Newly added Visitor Book: It is a regulation requirement to have a Visitor Record, under the Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016 and the Child Care Act 2018 (Early Years Services) (Registration of School Age Services) Regulations 2018. The Act states that ‘All persons entering an early years setting must be approved by an employee and each person must sign in and sign out of the building. The register must be stored for one year from the date it has begun (Regulation 24 (3 &4))’. The book contains 20 entries per page and has 100 pages per book. The information that must be collected on a visitor record includes Date, Name, Company, Contact Details, Time In, Time Out, Reason for Visit, Authorised by. The Visitor Record Book allows for all of the above.
Roll Book: Under the Quality and Regulatory Framework, there is a requirement that each child be signed in and out. Our roll book makes it easy to keep comprehensive attendance records. It has a spiral binding so it lays flat. Also provides spaces for the child's details including authorised collection and emergency contacts.
Accident and Incident Book: Truly essential, the Accident and Incident book has triplicate forms for 50 incidents. This means you have 3 copies, one for the family, one for the child's file and one to stay in the book as an incident record for the room.
Forms and Documentation (digital downloads)
- The Risk Assessment Pack includes a whole range of safety assessments related to your operations like medicine and outings but also the building
- The First Aid Checklist (should be signed off monthly)
- Cleaning Schedules for infection control
- The Personnel Checklist is a handy checklist of everything that you need to have on your staff file. It also includes a Staff information Record Form, an induction Sheet, Job Chat Form and a Training Record sheet to summarise all mandatory training
- Job Description Pack ensures you fulfil the requirement to have job descriptions on file with each staff member having clear responsibilities
- The Medicine Authorisation and Administration Records ensures a proper records are kept
- The Child Record Form with Privacy Statement includes all the permissions and GDPR consents
- The Sleep Monitoring Record for services with sleep rooms
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