Anaphylaxis Care Plan


Anaphylaxis is a very serious allergic reaction that requires a rapid response. Anaphylaxis can be caused by exposure to substances, foods or medications.
This toolkit has been designed to support childcare providers to comply with Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) Regulations 2016 and Child Care Act 1991 (Early Years Services) (Registration of School-Age Services) Regulations 2018.
This Toolkit should be used in conjunction with the Child Care (Pre-school Services) (no 2) Regulations, Tusla –The Child and Family Agency Standards.
All the documents are supplied in soft copy so you can make the relevant changes to suit your service
  • Simply adapt the documents to suit your service and print!
  • Keep the documents on your PC and print each time you need them.

Please also see our completed Medication Management Policy

Completing the Forms

Having all the correct and relevant records and signs in place is essential for the efficient running of your early years service.

If you have children attending your service with a medical condition such as epilepsy, diabetes, a nut allergy asthma, etc, you should have an emergency care plan in place, and this should be authorised by the child’s parents/guardians and medical practitioner.

Early years educators need to be confident that they know exactly what to do in an emergency. The pack includes a letter (template) to give to parents, a medical questionnaire, and an emergency care plan.

It is important to be guided by the parents and collate all the relevant information so the child can be cared for appropriately. The care plans should also be reviewed regularly to ensure that nothing has changed. The care plans should be signed by the parents and, where appropriate, the child’s Doctor.


  • Anaphylaxis Pack Guide
  • Anaphylaxis Care Plan
  • Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan
  • Anaphylaxis Information for EY
  • Anaphylaxis Sample Letter to Parents
  • Anaphylaxis Child no longer has allergy Letter to Parents
  • Medical Consent and Administration Form
Please Note: This is a downloadable product. Upon placing your order, you will immediately receive an email containing a link to download your product. Please be aware that this link has an expiration period of 180 days. Ensure that you download the product before the link expires!


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