Music and Movement Helping Children to Learn!

Music and movement research done over the years shows the importance of exposing children to music from a young age. This can be in many forms, including singing lullabies to babies, playing classical music to get them off to sleep or dancing to favourite tunes with them!

Whatever it may be, research shows that introducing children to music from a young age has long term developmental benefits. Some of the developmental benefits include improved motor skills and attention span, self regulation, speech, language and social development.

Singing, dancing or chanting can help make routine activities run smoother and be much more enjoyable! This can be to gather children together for circle time or to get ready for going home time. Furthermore, music and movement can also help to set the mood. Quiet music can soothe the children so that they might want to sit and relax. Loud and lively music can make children feel energetic and ready to work or play! In addition, music and movement can be a very social activity and can help children feel part of a group (Aistear Identity and Belonging).

Music and Movement Products on The Early Years Shop

If you are looking for some inspiration around music and movement for your classroom check out our great range of music products! Funky Feet Music aims to build on both the physical development and cognitive skills of children. These award winning music programmes develop both the body and brain through imaginative play. Ceol Music Education focuses on musical fluency and aims to teach children the language of music over a full year of regular sessions: listening, reading and writing musically.

Funky Feet Music: Funky Feet Music has 5 different award winning album options. Each set includes a CD with 20 songs and accompanying notes for educators. All five albums contain a variety of music from around the world that include a toe tapping, foot stomping, thigh slapping, tummy tickling, hand clapping, instrument playing, lycra pulling, parachute waving, bottom wriggling fun filled learning experience for both teacher/carers and children alike!

Ceol Music Education: Ceol's 'Step into Music' programme is an innovative music education programme for children between 3 and 5 years old. It covers weekly activities such as introducing children to performing, listening and responding and composing. In addition, it introduces children to early musical concepts in a fun and child-centred manner. Each pack includes age specific materials, lesson plans for a full school year, accompanying resource materials and musical tracks for listening & movement and songs & rhymes. Every six weeks the educator watches a training DVD to prepare for each module.

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