Super new products from Insect Lore now available! We are continually adding to our outdoor nature range of products on the Early Years Shop. If you are looking to engage with outdoor learning then check out our three new products from Insect Lore. These are a great addition to any service for learning about the world outside. They include a giant version of our original Butterfly Garden that has space for double the amount of butterflies. Other new products include a Life Cycle Microscope and fabulous 3D Butterfly stickers that flutter in any type of light breeze!
Learning about insects, small creatures, plants and trees opens up a whole new world to children. They will have the opportunity to recognise the different type of bugs and insects that live nearby. They also have the opportunity to get up close and study them. They can learn about their shape, pattern, discover how many legs they have and whether they have wings or not. They can also learn about the life cycle from seed to plant or from caterpillar to butterfly.
Children will learn so much from this process and being able to see it happen themselves is a magical experience! With the Insect Lore Butterfly net habitat children will be able to see for themselves how caterpillars transform into beautiful Painted Lady Butterflies. It is a wonderful process that many preschools all over the world have being carrying out for years with the children in their service.
Super New Products from Insect Lore Available Now!
Giant Butterfly Garden- The Giant Butterfly Garden is a bigger version of the much loved regular Butterfly Garden. However, with the Giant Butterfly Garden you receive a larger enclosure measuring 45cm, caterpillar voucher to redeem 6-10 caterpillars and Painted Lady butterfly life cycle stages figurines. Remember the caterpillars are shipped between March and September so order now if you wish to carry out the process before the end of the school year!
Life Cycle Microscope - The Life Cycle Microscope allows children to zoom in on their favourite creatures and outdoor objects with up to 8 times magnification. It features large, comfortable eyepiece lenses making it easy for young children to use. It has a large over sized knob for zooming. In addition, it has an LED light to showcase the details in the slides or on any other object the children would like to examine. It also includes four slides showing the amazing butterfly life cycle but slides are not required. You can place feathers, bugs, leaves and more directly on the illuminated base.
3D Butterfly Stickers - These 3D Butterfly Stickers are highly life like and flutter in any small breeze. They are a great addition to any caterpillar to butterfly theme in a classroom setting for decorating artwork or gifting to children as a job well done on the project completed! They are also a great addition to any nature theme activities. Each sheet includes 10 butterflies and 5 small flowers. Colour chosen at random (blue, green or red).
All of these products are now available to purchase on the Early Years Shop! A great addition to any Early Years Service for nature themed activities!