Canavan Byrne’s GDPR Pack helps 100’s to be compliant simply and efficiently

Tomorrow, Friday 25th May, is the deadline for implementing the General Data Protection Regulations. If you still need help with this our GDPR Pack is the simple answer.

The confidence the pack gives you in being well prepared takes a lot of the stress away. Now to attack the office and get shredding... then updating all that needs"
Jacinta Hourigan Sullivan, Muintir Bhaire Community Playschool

The Data Commissioner has a guide available on which outlines the 12 steps you need to take.

We're sure you don't need any reminders about how important it is that you have a comprehensive data protection policy to comply with this new regulation. Educate yourself, your staff and families in your service today. Canavan Byrne's GDPR Pack will help you organise this process so you can get on with it and on to your other important business as an early years educator!

The pack includes updated versions of our Employment Contract template, Employment Application and Child Registration Form to incorporate GDPR compliance. Most importantly, Canavan Byrne have put together a 55-page document with policies and procedures around data protection. This gives you a great framework to start with, remove the parts that are not relevant to your service, edit and amend according to any particulars of your service, and you will have a great data protection policy.

The pack also contains a step-by-step guide. Today is the day!

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