A Special Christmas Gift to all Early Years services from The Early Years Shop and Canavan Byrne!

Just like that - Christmas is upon us! 2020 has most certainly been a very strange and surreal year for everyone! Not just here in Ireland but all around the world as we continue the battle with the COVID-19 pandemic. Everyone has had to adjust to a ‘new normal’ with restrictions put on our daily lives. It has certainly been tough and tiring at times but we remain strong and know that better times will come. With a vaccine approved and ready to be rolled out here in Ireland we can most certainly look to a brighter 2021! 

Early Years Services have worked tirelessly and under immense pressure to ensure the safety of both children and staff during this time. After months of closure, services re-opened looking very different than before. However,  they have made it as normal as possible for the children, whilst following the new rules and regulations. As a small Irish business, we would like to thank you all for your continued support throughout this year. It is very much appreciated! 

Free Downloadable Christmas Gift

As a small thank you please accept this free downloadable gift provided to you by Canavan Byrne. These two downloadable packs include Christmas printable posters for you to post in your service or send as email attachments and a range of social media images to post on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp groups or any other social media you may use. There are four lovely designs to choose from; Reindeer, Santa, Christmas Tree and Presents. We are delighted to provide the pack in both an English language version and as Gaeilge. You can use these to send out Christmas greetings to families and friends of your Early Years Service.

We wish you and your family a Very Happy and Peaceful Christmas and we look forward to welcoming you back in 2021!


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