Explore the Outdoors This Autumn with Thrive Autumn by Gillian Powell!

Explore the outdoors this Autumn with Gillian Powell's 'Thrive Autumn Outdoor Nature Activities for Children and Families'. This book is a wonderful resource for early years services who are looking to connect with nature this season. The book includes over 60 pages of games and activities that are suitable for children between the ages of 2 and 8 years old.

Gillian owned and managed a Montessori school in Bandon, Co. Cork. This early years setting catered for over fifty children and the emphasis was always on outdoors education. Gillian has used her experience to write this wonderful book along with 3 other books in the series - Thrive Spring, Thrive Summer and Thrive Winter.

Explore the Outdoors with Thrive Autumn 

The Autumn Outdoor Nature Activities for Children and Families book includes various activities on well being, emotions, creativity, math, developing language and even some Halloween Fun! It seeks to help early years educators enjoy time outdoors, in all weathers, in the garden, in a field, in a forest or at the ocean. The book also includes a list of items required for children in order to get outside in the Autumn. This include items such as appropriate clothing, wellies or boots and little snacks.

Gillian encourages the use of many natural items such as leaves, stones, seeds and nuts as part of the outdoor learning. This makes the items in the book easy accessible and aims to cost very little. This book makes a great addition to any early years setting looking to connect more with nature this Autumn! See below video for a brief introduction to the book!

Creative Outdoor Nature Based Play in Urban Early Years Settings

You don't have to be based in the countryside to get outside and explore nature. Sometimes nature is at our doorstep and we just need to look closer. Gillian encourages educators to get outside even if the outdoor space is limited.

Gillian is currently running a webinar based on this topic on the Thursday, 13th of October with Canavan Byrne. The course is called 'Creative Outdoor Nature Based Play in Urban Early Years Settings' and aims to further enhance educators knowledge and learning on how they can use what is available to them to create an enriching outdoor learning experience. Book Your Place Here!


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